There is something magical about sitting in an audience as the house lights dim.

The buzz in the room settles into quiet anticipation as we wait to be transported into someone else's world, someone else's story. But what we see on the stage is just the culmination of weeks, sometimes months of work behind the scenes by artists of all description: actors, directors, designers, wardrobe people, carpenters, painters, sound and light experts and others.

This blog will give you a fly-on-the-wall glimpse into that unknown world, following the rehearsal process.
This will be your guide to the hard work, fun and weirdness of putting together a play
for a professional theatre company.

You'll never watch a play in the same way again!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Now blogging:  Carson Nattrass, who is playing the role of Kyle Best in PTE's season opener, The Best Brothers by Daniel MacIvor, directed by Robert Metcalfe -- opens October 17, 2013.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week one...done!

Blog one...begun!

I haven't had the pleasure of rehearsing for a PTE Mainstage show for 10 years. That's kind of crazy to me. PTE feels like home whether I'm working here or not. 

The first day of rehearsal was...well for me it's like the first day of school. What should I wear? Are people going to like me?

I'm happy to say that I made a couple of new friends. Specifically, a guy named Paul. He's awesome. He plays my brother in the play. We bond on lunch breaks. We're both married and have kids. He just moved here and doesn't know many people. He's nice to me. We play well together. 

Some old friends were there too. Bob Metcalfe, our director, and Melissa Novecosky, our stage manager, I have worked with a lot and it's really great to see them again. 

Anyway, I have more to say but I'll leave it at that for now. I'll chat a bit more about rehearsal next time. 

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