There is something magical about sitting in an audience as the house lights dim.

The buzz in the room settles into quiet anticipation as we wait to be transported into someone else's world, someone else's story. But what we see on the stage is just the culmination of weeks, sometimes months of work behind the scenes by artists of all description: actors, directors, designers, wardrobe people, carpenters, painters, sound and light experts and others.

This blog will give you a fly-on-the-wall glimpse into that unknown world, following the rehearsal process.
This will be your guide to the hard work, fun and weirdness of putting together a play
for a professional theatre company.

You'll never watch a play in the same way again!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sunday, September 23 -- Day Thirteen:

Got up early,  got out the scissors and did what needed to be done with Act One. Then I put on some nicer clothes (from the Bay's Junior Playwright Department) and went to the Free Press News Cafe Arts Brunch. Everyone was dressed very very nicely, with Cherry's shoes a highlight as usual.  Brunch was tasty and we all remembered to use our cutlery. Evan HALL tried to steal Bob's bacon. We got interviewed, Bob and Cherry and I, and Bob did a really smooth turnaround when asked if any famous people got their start at PTE. He spoke instead about how PTE was one of a half-dozen companies who changed Canadian theatre forever by producing Canadian plays. PTE is why people like me have careers. Then the actors read a scene and it seemed to go over well. My dear mother and brother were there, and it's so nice to have fans.

After all that glamour it was back to rehearsal and I delivered my newly trimmed Act One. The actors kindly refrained from audible cheering when bits they can't stand ended up in the compost, but I did sense that the cuts were righteous. It was decided that I still have time to take one more kick at Scene Three, which has been driving me nuts for months now. It just has to be better, and I have a couple of days to make it so. Wish me luck.

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